
Increasing Shell Strength in Chicken Eggs

Increasing Shell Strength in Chicken Eggs

Weak, thin, or soft chicken eggshells can lead to loss of eggs and income, deformities in chicks, and other difficulties. There are several reasons why shell strength may degrade, and different ways to prevent it to ensure the most productive laying hens. Why Hens Might Lay Weak or Soft Eggs There can be several causes behind weak chicken eggs. While any hen might have an occasional soft egg and infrequent weak eggshells are nothing to be concerned about, if a hen is laying soft eggs regularly or with noticeably increasing frequency, she may be suffering from any of these conditions....

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Caring For Your Lawn In The Fall

Caring For Your Lawn In The Fall

We know that you’ve been caring for your grass all throughout the summer and at this point looking after it has probably become a tedious task. However, caring for your lawn in the fall is just as important so your grass can stay healthy through the winter months. Here are some tips on caring for your lawn in the fall:Tread softly but carry a big, and slightly raised, mower deckIf you were cutting your grass pretty short during the summer months, for the fall you should raise it approximately by a 1/2 inch – putting the total grass height at...

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Difference Between Store Bought Eggs and Fresh Farm Eggs

Difference Between Store Bought Eggs and Fresh Farm Eggs

If you had pulled me aside when I was younger and asked if I knew the difference between store bought and fresh farm eggs, my response would most likely be, ‘eggs are eggs.’ Basically, I didn’t think there was a difference and all eggs were just delicious.  However, there is a difference between the two. I first learned this difference when I went to college in Central New York. Central New York is where I developed a passion for farmer’s markets, the concept of farm to table, and the importance of supporting your local community. So what is the real...

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